At our tutoring centre, we believe that displays should always support our children’s learning. Our primary school children enjoy being able to interact with the displays and use them to improve their work. Effective displays also allow our children to be independent and take responsibility for their learning!
‘A Pocket Full of Synonyms’
Using synonyms is a skill that our children need to acquire during their primary school education. Some children find it quite difficult to up level their vocabulary and therefore our synonym display really supports these children with their writing. Our children enjoy being able to choose vocabulary from the wall and use it in their writing.

Here are some of Henry’s wonderful descriptive sentences:
The frightened, fearful people panicked and ran away from the penguin.
Bang! The tall buildings collapsed after the penguin quickly turned his sharp, narrow beak.
‘Figuratively Speaking’
Using literary techniques in writing can often be a challenge for many primary school and high school children. At our tutoring centre, our ‘Figuratively Speaking’ display supports our children, providing a point of reference for them to check that they have included different literary devices throughout their writing.
Below are few examples of our primary school children’s figurative writing based on the book, ‘Walk with a Wolf’ by Janni Howker.
Bounding between the bedazzled bees, the wild dog searched for a way home.
No food in her stomach. No pack to socialise with. Nothing.
The moon, rushing to steal the spotlight of the once bright sun. With food in her stomach, the aroma of the breeze seeps into her nose and she falls softly asleep.
The moose stands no chance of escaping. The pack is the fire and the moose is the ice. The fire melting the ice on to the ground.
Her senses were buzzing like busy bees.
‘Lights, Camera, Action’
This display gives our primary school children the chance to showcase their fantastic work. Our primary school children are very proud of themselves when they see their work on our wall. It definitely gives them the confidence boost that every child needs!

‘Times tables’
Both our maths displays in our tutoring centre are accessible to our primary and high school children. Our basketball times tables challenge has been a real hit with our children this term! They enjoy the competitive element, which encourages them to be proactive in learning their times tables.
Learning the language of maths is extremely important for both primary and high school children. It is important that children are able to read and understand the mathematical terminology in word problems and exam style questions. Exposing children to the language of maths from an early age will benefit them throughout their primary school education.
At our tutoring centre, our wonderful displays are there to inspire and stimulate our primary school children’s learning. Many of our children are visual learners and our colourful displays have proven to be an incredibly powerful tool for helping our children absorb information.